2007 BCOA Membership Renewal OnlineMembership renewal and payment of dues must be completed by January 1, 2007. Download [Word (with fields) | PDF] the Membership Renewal Form. [Pay Online] your dues, roster advertising, and online breeder directory listing using PayPal (credit cards and electronic checks). NOTE: Online payment alone DOES NOT replace the membership renewal form. By kevin at 1 Dec 2006 - 2:28am
2007 BCOA Election Results[Download] the 2007 BCOA election results in PDF format. By kevin at 2 Dec 2006 - 11:50pm
Genetic Linkage Determined for Fanconi SyndromeA CRITICAL BREAKTHROUGH! The BCOA Health and Research Committee and The Basenji Health Endowment are pleased to announce a significant breakthrough in the Fanconi Syndrome research being conducted on our behalf by Dr. Gary Johnson and colleagues at the University of Missouri - a breakthrough that allows researchers to proceed to the next phase of their work - determining a precise genetic marker(s) for Fanconi Syndrome and developing a test for this disease. By kevin at 3 Mar 2006 - 8:03pm | read more
2007 National Specialty[Click here] for information about the upcoming 2007 National Specialty in Northern California. [Click here] for information about the 2006 National Specialty that took place in Rhode Island in September 2006. By kevin at 11 Jan 2006 - 7:19am
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